(Auf Deutsch )
My family history research is concentrated around my own forebears (Lohmeyer, Lohmeier & Lohnsmeier) and those of my wife (Andrews). I also collect information, chronicles, biographies, diaries, journals, coats of arms, maps and ancestry charts of Lohmeyer families from all around the world to provide a portal for everyone keen to explore the amazing history of our families.
If you find a relation of yours in these pages, please contact me as I often have more information. If you have a question, visit Questions Answered or contact me. Happy hunting, Matt.
My Attic of Genealogy Treasures:
- My collection of books and other sources (I'm happy to provide specific look-ups)
- The autobiography of Julius Lohmeyer -Minden & Australia (1849-1929)(
- Selected stories and poems of Heinrich Lohmeyer -Vlotho (1881-1972)(
- 'The Lohmeyer Families' by Carl T. Lohmeyer (1852-1914)(
- The journey of the convict ship William Glen Anderson (
- The 4th Regiment of Foot in Australia (
- Chronicle of the Lohmeyer family in Vlotho by Margaret Lohmeyer (18xx-19xx)(
- Etc.
My Family's Ancestors:
- My Lohmeyer/Lohmeier, Sommer, Krull and Birkemeier ancestors from the area of Vlotho-Herford-Bielefeld in Germany [coming soon]
- My Uhlmann, Frohberg, Wirth and Brandt ancestors from the Dresden-Görlitz area in Silesia, Germany [coming soon]
- My Andrews, Green, Carter, Duff, Darnley, Hill and Abberton relations from Australia and their forebears in the UK, Scotland & Ireland [coming soon]
Links to other Relevant Internet Pages:
- Links to other databases, resources and organisations (coming soon)
- Links to other Lohmeyer family websites (coming soon)