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Lohmeyer Coopers in Quincy, Illinois (1870)

Quincy, Illinois is located on the Mississippi River about 160 miles north of St. Louis, with the state of Missouri on the opposite riverbank and Iowa a few miles to the North.

In: History of Quincy, and its Men of Mark, or, Facts and Figures exhibiting its Advantages and Resources, Manufactures and Commerce by Patrick H. Redmond (1869) p.148 notes:


Where there is annually such demand for cooperage as in Quincy, a large force of mechanics are necessarily kept busy to supply the same.  The following firms manufacture largely in this line, turning out flour, whisky and beer barrels to supply the trade, of which a vast quantity are used:

..., ... W.F. Lee, E.D. Lohmeyer, H. Lohmeyer, E. McFarland, ..., ...

In this line employment is given to a large number of hands, while a branch of our manufactures it is highly important.

Source: as above on Google Books (accessed 15 Feb 2014)